Programme 2023
Dear friends of the festival,
We are pleased to present to you the program of the 18th edition. Faithful to its original vocation, the festival presents the masterpieces of the European cinema masters and offers you the possibility to discover, identify and affirm the new talents of the cinema of our continent. The festival is also about curiosity, desire and enjoy to understand Europe.
We look forward to seeing you in our wonderful Parisian cinemas,
Irena Bilic and the team of the Europe Around Europe Festival
Festival reserves the right to modify the program. The updated program is posted on our website.
La Fondation Jérôme Seydoux-Pathé
73 Av. des Gobelins, 75013 ParisSamedi 19 Mars, 14:00
Tarifs : 7€ / 5€50
Tarif partenaire Gaumont Le Pass et Libre Pass : 4€
Guiné, Aldeia Indígena em Lisboa / Guinea-Bissau, Indial Village in Lisbon
by Agência Geral das Colônias
(Documentary, Portugal, 1931, 12'25”, BW, silent, Fr ST)
Festejos em Lourenço Marques pela passagem dos territórios do Niassa para a posse do Estado / Festivities in Lourenço Marques
by Fernandes Tomaz
(Documentary, Portugal, 1929, 6', BW, silent, Fr ST)
Acção Colonizadora dos Portugueses / Colonial Action of the Portuguese
by António Antunes da Mata and César de Sá
(Documentary, Portugal, 1929, 21', BW, silent, Fr ST)
Guiné – Aspectos Industriais e Agricultura / Guinea-Bissau – Industrial and Agricultural Aspects
by Augusto Seara
(Documentary, Portugal, 1929, 12'30”, BW, silent Fr ST)
São Tomé Agricola e Industrial / São Tomé - Agricultural and Industrial
by Augusto Seara
(Documentary, Portugal, 1929, 11'47”, BW, silent, Fr ST)
Angola – Exposição Provincial, Agrícola, Pecuária e Industrial / Angola – Provincial, Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition
by unknown filmmaker
(Documentary, Portugal, 1923, 11'49”, BW, silent, Fr ST)
Macau – Cidade Progressiva e Monumental / Macao - Progress and Monuments
by Manuel Antunes Amor
(Documentary, Portugal, 1923, 6’, BW, silent, Fr ST)