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  • CAPALBIO International Film Festival announced its upcoming capalbio — FUTURE STORYTELLER LAB


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    C A P A L B I O | F U T U R E   S T O R Y T E L L E R   L A B

    CAPALBIO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ANNOUNCED ITS UPCOMING CAPALBIO | FUTURE STORYTELLER LAB, an innovative training event to be hosted at the 23rd edition. Check out the Press Release as well as Rules an Regulation. You have until the June, 3rd 2016 to submit your project, APPLY NOW! One of the six projects at the Lab will be chosen to attend the MIA (International Audiovisual Market​) to be held in ​October (20-24​. 2016). For further information: lab@capalbiocinema.com BROADEN YOUR MIND ABOUT WHAT’S IN STORE FOR THE FUTURE OF FILMMAKING! Send your projects to win one of the 6 seats available for our innovative training platform dedicated to new technologies and storytelling strategies. Daily mentorship meetings with Colin Trevorrow (Jurassic World, Star Wars: Episode IX) during three days of writing tutorship. Every day will be introduced by a panel about innovative formats and technologies curated by high level industry players.  JOIN US IN TUSCANY AND ENJOY THE 23​ST EDITION
    Capalbio Cinema means an informal experience, in a stylish and intimate atmosphere, seeing beautiful short films. The days of Capalbio are full of appointments, including screenings in the tiny medieval square, at the beach, or in the fantastic Tarocchi’s Garden, and receptions in beautiful villas and gardens that always frame the Festival.  23 YEARS OF FILM, EMOTIONS AND SUCCESS
    Founded in 1994 – with Michelangelo Antonioni Godfather – and supported by theMinistry of Culture and the Tuscany Region, the Festival is under the patronage of all the major Italian professional Film Guilds. It is realized in cooperation with Fondazione Sistema Toscana, and directed by Tommaso Mottola.