Édition 2021

Programme 2021

Dear friends of the festival,

We are pleased to present to you the program of the 16th edition. Faithful to its original vocation, the festival presents the masterpieces of the European cinema masters and offers you the possibility to discover, identify and affirm the new talents of the cinema of our continent. The festival is also about curiosity, desire and enjoy to understand Europe.

We look forward to seeing you in our wonderful Parisian cinemas,
Irena Bilic and the team of the Europe Around Europe Festival

Festival reserves the right to modify the program. The updated program is posted on our website.

Events and Encounters

Banach. Between Spirit and Matter / Banach. Miedzy Duchem A Materia

Banach. Between Spirit and Matter / Banach. Miedzy Duchem A Materia

by Wieslaw Saniewski

(Documentary, Poland, 2020, 56’, C, OV En ST)

Herbert. A Barbarian in the Garden / Herbert. Barbarzynca w ogrodzie

Herbert. A Barbarian in the Garden / Herbert. Barbarzynca w ogrodzie

by Rafael Lewandowski

(Documentary, Poland/France, 2021, 90’, C, Fr ST)with Katarzyna Herbert, Philippe Jaccottet, Al Alvarez

Connexions : Rothko-Monet

Connexions : Rothko-Monet

by Annie Dautane and Eve Ramboz

(Documentary, France, 2020, 26’, C, OV)

Les frères Morozov, mécènes et collectionneurs

Les frères Morozov, mécènes et collectionneurs

by Elisabeth Kapnist

(Documentary, France, 2019, 52’, C, OV)

Connexions : Bacon-Vélasquez

Connexions : Bacon-Vélasquez

by Annie Dautane and Eve Ramboz

(Documentary, France, 2020, 26’, C, OV)

Gasman / Gasmann

Gasman / Gasmann

by Arne Körner

(Fiction, Germany, 2019, 87’, C, En ST)with Rafael Stachowiak, Gala Othero Winter and Kristof van Boven

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