Édition 2021

Programme 2021

Dear friends of the festival,

We are pleased to present to you the program of the 16th edition. Faithful to its original vocation, the festival presents the masterpieces of the European cinema masters and offers you the possibility to discover, identify and affirm the new talents of the cinema of our continent. The festival is also about curiosity, desire and enjoy to understand Europe.

We look forward to seeing you in our wonderful Parisian cinemas,
Irena Bilic and the team of the Europe Around Europe Festival

Festival reserves the right to modify the program. The updated program is posted on our website.




by Krzysztof Zanussi

(Fiction, Poland/Ukraine/Hungary/Lithuania, 2018, C, Fr ST)with Janek Poniedzialek, Andrzej Chyra, Ostap Vakuliuk et Stanislav Kolokolnikov

Chez Georges et Rosy

Chez Georges et Rosy

by Jean-Daniel Pollet

(Documentary, France, 1967, 9’, NB, OV)



by Jean-Daniel Pollet

(Fiction, France, 1976, France, 101’, C, OV)with Claude Melki, Laurence Bru, Guy Marchand

Contemporary World Writers – Peter Handke / Savremeni svetski pisci : Peter Handke

Contemporary World Writers – Peter Handke / Savremeni svetski pisci : Peter Handke

by Neda Valčic Lazović

(Interview-documentary, Serbia, 2020, C, 50’, OV)

The Goalkeeper’s Anguish at the Penalty / Die Angst des Tormanns beim Elfmete

The Goalkeeper’s Anguish at the Penalty / Die Angst des Tormanns beim Elfmete

by Wim Wenders

(Fiction, Germany / Austria, 1972, 101’, C, Fr ST)with Arthur Brauss, Kai Fisher, Erika Pluhar, Libgart Schwarz, Edda Köchl, Rüdiger

The Left-Handed Woman / Die Linkshändige Frau

The Left-Handed Woman / Die Linkshändige Frau

by Peter Handke

(Fiction, Germany / France, 1978, 115’, C, Fr ST)with Edith Clever, Bruno Ganz

The Absence / Die Abwesenheit

The Absence / Die Abwesenheit

by Peter Handke

(Fiction, Germany, 1992, 112’, C, Fr ST)with Eustaquio Barjau, Jeanne Moreau, Alex Descas, Bruno Ganz, Sophie Semin

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