
by Emilio Ruiz

(Fiction, Espagne, 2020, 103’, C, En ST)

with Enrique Simón, Miguelo García, Rebecca Arrosse


After the flop of his last film, the director Juan Bravo lives in semi-retirement in the capital of Asturias. His friend and producer proposes him to come back to direct a new movie. The offer makes Juan question himself whether to accept or to retire definitively. Lost in his memories, he wanders the city of Oviedo looking for inspiration…

« Making the film has been like a catharsis because in part what the protagonist tells is my own story and my experiences. It is very difficult to spend so many years enduring pressure for ideological causes, especially with the use of justice or the public administration as repressive means. … Perhaps, the movie does not obey the current canons of the industry, but it needed the camera to create a choreography with the sets and with the actors. » Emilio Ruiz dans

« Oviedo is the protagonist of the film. The camera has tried to portray its spirit, its essence, through streets, landscapes and situations in which the characters evolve, like a mosaic inside the mind of the main character. … The whole film, perhaps in the same way as Fellini’s Eight and a Half, is situated halfway between the protagonist’s imagination and reality. » Emilio Ruiz dans

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Emilio Ruiz
Emilio Ruiz

The Spanish director Emilio Ruiz entered movie business in 2006 after a carreer as a BBC correspondent in Latin America during the 1990s. His first feature documentary Lorca. El mar deja de moverse about the Spanish poet Federico García Lorca, won prizes in many International festivals, including the award for the Best European Documentary in 2006. He later directed Orson Welles and Goya (2008) and Morente, flamenco y Picasso (2011), a musical about the flamenco singer and composer Enrique Morente, which made it to the finals of the Goya Awards. He also directed features El Discípulo (2009), a controversial feature film about the life of Jesus Christ, La Venta del Paraíso (2012), which won the Luis Buñuel Prize and two more recent adaptations of eponymous Lorca’s theatre works: Yerma (2016) and Bernarda (2017).

Other movies: Competition Prix Sauvage

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