Narciso Yepes. A Heart of Ten Strings / Narciso Yepes. Un Corazón De Diez Cuerdas de Alejandro Rius Galindo

by Alejandro Ruis Galindo

(Documentary, Spain, 2019, 62’, C, Fr ST)

Narciso Yepes. A Heart of Ten Strings

The guitarist Narciso Yepes was one of the greatest musicians that Spain gave to the world. Through this documentary, we discover the very private man through interviews and testimonies: his kindness, his simplicity and his passion for music out of the ordinary. He never stopped working on his instrument, even during his long and painful illness, always seeking to go further in the technique and exploration of the possibilities of sound.

Trailer du film

Alejandro Ruis Galindo
Alejandro Ruis Galindo

Alejandro Ruis Galindo is a passionate Spanish filmmaker who wants to bring the great personalities of Spanish culture and science to a wider audience through his films. In 2006, he founded a production company to carry out his own cultural and artistic projects. He is the author of the documentary films El secreto de la sangre (2005), A pesar de ellos (2006), and a series Histórica Región de Murcia about the history of his native region.

Other movies: Events and Encounters

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