Salt / Sel

by Olivier Hespel

(Documentary, France/Belgium, 2018, 98’, C, En ST)


The Dead sea. Where tourists come to float on the surface among sink-holes, barbwires, mine fields and the ghosts of Sodom, Gomorrha, Jesus and Moses. At the lowest place on earth, in the middle of the desert, Marianna, Bulos, Suleiman, Michael and some more share their stories and questions and give an insight on life’s paradoxes and the power of doubt: the salt of our fragile humanity.

“… All the characters of SALT have this something special in common: at each and every moment they fight the inner monster who gnaws on the chains of reason and humanity. They chose to dominate this monster. By doing so they oppose those who gave in to hate, brutality and violence, the same ones who monopolize the political speeches and draw media attention. They all bear within a burden of war and exile. The war surrounding them here, but sometimes also a war they fled elsewhere. An exile they have inherited, they are living in or they are planning ahead.” Olivier Hespel

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Olivier Hespel
Olivier Hespel

Olivier Hespel was born in Paris, France, and trained at the INSAS films school in Brussels, Belgium. He now shares his time between film making, sound recording on fiction and documentary features and cinema teaching. He has been working with – among others – Abbas Kiarostami, Costa-Gavras, Claire Simon, Nicolas Philibert, Marianna Otero, Mehdi Charef, Pierre Schœller, Rachid Bouchareb, Benoît Mariage. His work in sound department has been awarded a French Cesar and a Belgian Magritte. His previous films as a director are the documentaries Variations sur une base obstinée (2006) and Mon nom (2011).

Other movies: Competition Present

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