Our Time / Il Nostro Tempo

by Veronica Spedicati

(Fiction, Italy, 2019, 16', C, En ST)

with Emanuela Minno, Franco Ferrante, Celeste Casciaro

Our Time

Roberta is nine years old and wants to enjoy the last days of summer on the beach playing with her friends. But her father, Donato, forces her to stay at home to help with the housework. The distance between them seems insurmountable, but the discovery that Donato is much more fragile than he appears will allow them to enjoy their time together.

Trailer du film

Veronica Spedicati
Veronica Spedicati

Veronica Spedicati grew up in Rome and graduated from the University of Rome Tre in cinema. During her university years, she made videos for the National Institute for the Deaf in Rome. She then won a scholarship at UCLA (Los Angeles) to participate in a project on non-linear narrative in new media. In 2016 she joined the Centro sperimentale di cinematografia. In 2018, she directed Il Giorno della patata, then in 2020, Our Time, selected in many festivals.

Other movies: Competition Prix Sauvage Corto

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