Directed by: James Menelaus Rush
With: Eloise Mignon, Robyn Nevin
Gloria, an aspiring painter, drives on an empty tank. Under her skin something bothers her. Hands steadfast at the wheel, refusing to fill up, she tempts fate. Colliding with unspoken grievances she must reframe herself amongst missing paintings.
“I wanted to make a film more focused on questions than on answers. A film that would be both realistic and concrete but would allow each viewer to leave having experienced something different.”
James Menelaus Rush, Film Freeway.
- James Menelaus Rush Director(s)
- James Menelaus Rush Screenwriter(s)
- Charles Alexander Director(s) of Photography
- Angus Davidson Sound design
- James Menelaus Rush Editing
- Angus Davidson Sound mixing
- Aarushi Chowdhury, Monique Fisher, James Menelaus Rush, Patrick James Verlin Producer(s)