Federico Frefel
Director, EditorItaly

Federico Frefel, filmmaker and editor born in Milan in 1989. He studies new art technologies at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts. In 2016, he graduated from the Luchino Visconti Civica Scuola di Cinema, where he directed the short documentary film L'oro dei giorni.
In 2018 he shot his first feature-length documentary with Léa Delbès and Michele Silva, Blocconove (Salina Doc Festival - Italian Competition, Filmmaker International Film Festival). In 2019, with Michele Silva and Léa Delbes, he founded Finisterræ, a cultural association that co- produces independent cinema projects. In 2020 he produced Mario Blaconà's film Italia, teorie per un film di famiglia (Filmmaker International Film Festival-Prospettive Competition, FIDBA Festival Internacional De Cine Documental de Buenos Aires). In 2023, during the Locarno Spring Academy residency in collaboration with RSI Swiss Radiotelevisione, he created the archive short film Quasi Perfetto (76th Locarno Film Festival-Pardi di Doman, 48th Laceno D’oro, 34th Festival Internacional de Cinema da Fronteira).